Sunday, May 29, 2011

DJ Dainja Promo Shoot

Few snaps from a promo shoot for Pascal!

laser + fog machine = amazing!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Creek ft. Carolyn

I did a shoot for fun with Carolyn on Saturday in this creek. The bugs were terrible but it was such a great location. Here's a few shots I've been working on.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Once again

Here's the other photo of my lil sis I took that was used for promotion of Sublime Hair studio in the Metro yesterday. Go check this salon out, Maddie is awesome.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Published in the Metro!

Hey all, a couple of pictures I took of my little sister are featured in the Metro for the Lady Gaga edition. The photos are to help promote the Sublime Hair Salon Maddie works for.
(bottom right photo, then another next newspaper) This is so exciting for me!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thunder Girl/Guy Shoot

Here's some pictures I took a while back for the Thunder Girl/Guy section of the Algonquin times. I never actually got to see if these were used.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Offical Website and update

Congratulations to all us second years for finishing the program. What a ride! We all worked so hard and learned so much in just 2 years. Good luck to all the First years with the program.

Also, Congratulations to all the winners at the exhibition! :)
I was 2nd runner up for my magazine cover picture in the Magazine Cover Award category. Woot!

Lots of things to update about.
I am in the midst of developing an official website. is under-construction but should be up and running in the next week. Keep checking back in the next while.

I've been job searching like most of the other students, networking, freelance projects, and thinking about moving, but where I do not know yet (Toronto, London, Paris, New York, who knows!) I guess anything is possible.

I want to experiment with lighting and delve deeper into the world of alternative/vintage fashion. I've been thinking about going to back to school in another city for something (possibly multimedia or journalism). I have lots on my mind and need some time to think so for now I'm just going to work and save money for travel.